Dr. Aristo Carranza is one of the highest trained dentists who is exceptionally gifted with his head and hands.
– Dr. Lydia David, DDS
The above is one of the many professional reviews Dr. Carranza gets both nationally and internationally. His passion and love for the teaching and practice of dentistry is a beacon of inspiration to all those who have trained under his supervision.
Dr. Carranza has more than 25 years of experience in designing smiles, he developed a new approach of Dental Facial Aesthetics (DFA) creating natural smiles that fit the face and enhance appearance. Through this approach, Dr.Carranza creates a template for the future smile, raising standards and meeting expectations for the best smile attainable.
The DFA approach hinges on his ability to restore the wearing and beauty of the smile with porcelain veneers and dental implants if needed.
Dr. Carranza determined that he could restore the balance of your teeth by contouring them to fit more harmoniously with your facial features. He understand that your facial conditions could be overcome by custom design of a new smile.
Dr. Carranza is one of the leading authorities on the minimally invasive philosophy in dentistry, holistic dentistry concept.. These techniques focus on preserving the maximum amount of natural tooth structure. Such modalities serve the patients needs optimally for the long term health. He mastered the technique of making porcelain veneers look more natural and undetectable.
Dr. Carranza is a graduate of New York University College of Dentistry. He is a former Clinical Associate Professor and Co-Director for the Advanced Aesthetic Program at New York University College of Dentistry. Dr. Carranza, founder and Director of Tristate Dental Institute, contributes to the faculty by delivering lectures on Smile Design and dental implants.
He is a national and international speaker in the field of Implants and Cosmetic Dentistry.
His extensive background and expertise have earned him the prestigious recognition of being a Master by the renowned Worldwide Organization DSD Digital Smile Design.
Dr. Carranza is a Fellow member of the American Society of Dento Facial Esthetics and an accredited member of The American Society of Dental Aesthetics.
He works with the foundation Vuelve a Sonreir, bringing together colleagues from all over the world to Lima, Peru. Dr. Carranza supervises dentists performing surgical procedures and placing dental implants free of charge to those who need it most.
Welcome to the world of aesthetic dentistry, where your teeth are designed in harmony with your facial traits, age, and personality.